We’re so glad you’re considering a visit to St. Augustine Presbyterian Church! We are a loving church plant core group that is striving to grow and be strengthened to minister to our community well. Whether you are a long-time Christian wanting to use your gifts and experience to serve in a church plant or a person who has faith questions, we welcome you to join us at a Core Group Meeting!
Have questions? We have the answers!
We are a group of people that God the Father has called out of sin, slavery, darkness, and futility to be in a relationship with Him as His sons and daughters through Jesus. We believe the Bible tells us how to become, and then how to live as, God’s sons and daughters. Our entire relationship with God the Father is grounded in grace. We take the Bible seriously, especially because, in it, God tells us about Himself and how to be in this relationship with Him. Our denominational affiliation is with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Currently, our Core Group Meetings gather in Pastor Mark’s and his family’s house from 10 AM to noon every Sunday. You can find contact and location information at the bottom of this page.
When you arrive you can expect to be greeted warmly. As you make your way into the open-concept kitchen, cafe, and living room, you will find drinks and snacks and opportunities to make new friends. After a short time of fellowship, we will transition to a time of singing, sharing, studying, and praying.
Our meetings are organized around 5 “s’s”: Schmoozing, Singing, Sharing, Studying, and Seeking. We spend time hanging out at the beginning and end of our meetings; we sing a few songs; we share what the Lord is doing in and through our lives; we study God’s Word deeply in a guided-discussion format; and we seek the Lord in prayer.
We are all about connecting with God and each other. A great way is to attend a meeting in a non-threating, friendly environment. Also, Pastor Mark loves to grab coffee or a meal with new people to get to know them and discuss faith questions. His contact info is at the bottom of the page.
Our group has been blessed with several young ladies who would love to help you with your kids. We have a large loft upstairs in which your younger kids can play supervised. For nursing mama’s, you are welcome to use one of the two bedrooms downstairs. We can also set up a pack-n-play if your baby needs to lie down.
Have more questions? Click here, get in touch with someone from the church.